I have had these Nike boots since before Tina was born, so at least 27 years, and they have finally broke down. They have served me incredibly well.

The "chains" up to Angels Landing in Zion's Nat'l Park

A peek over the edge on the route to Angels Landing while hanging on to the chains

View into Bryce's Canyon

Hiking in Bryce's Canyon

Are We Having Fun Yet?
It was the Albert Pearson line turn to host the event
The Levi Pearson Family Reunion- my brother Dicks' grandkids- Emma, Davis, Thane and daugther-in-law Natalie

My Sister's daughter Kristin Dirkmaat

My sister Marian's kids Casey and Kimberly (from OR)

Amy's graduation photo- one of many Shelly took for her

An informal photo of our last chick getting ready to fly the coop
What a privilege to be able to immerse yourself in such breathtaking beauty! But I'd have to pass on peering over the edge of a cliff to take a picture! I doubt I'm in good enough shape to climb up and down those canyon walls. Guess that's what comes of living the soft life back East here!